Thursday 20 September 2007

1 sofa short of a suite

Take my house... please

We are currently languishing in that rarified part of the universe normally ocupied by solicitors and sick people in waiting rooms. That place where time moves so s l o w l y that it seems to move backwards.

Kate has taken to ringing the solicitor once a week the normal response was "4 weeks" however this week it was "next week sometime".

Consequently this week has passed even more slowly than the previous 8. We shall see if the man in the suit is true to his word...

Meanwhile we are now down 1 sofa, having given the other away. It's open season on all our old stuff. The kids particularly have been great at selling and off loading all their stuff. This may be due to the fact that they are being allowed to keep all the proceeds, this is adding up to no small sum I can tell you. Ash, particularly, is showing a disturbingly mercenry side, I have yet to ask him if he realises how his small stash of GBP will translate to a large wodge of NZD, I have a feeling that this thought looms large behind his avaricious little eyes. Think of all the lego! I havn't the heart to tell him that toys are 3 times more expensive in NZ. Sorry Ash.

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