Monday 28 January 2008

we're here 1.

First few days in NZ were spent calling JetStar who were less than helpful but managed to convey enough "don't worry" that we tried not to worry. The bottle of Chivas went down rather quickly.

Nana drove us around and we managed to get a few items of clothing from the place where "everyone gets a bargain".

JetStar eventually delivered our luggage right to our motel room door 2 days late. I don't think it's possible to describe just how grateful we were.

Malc (Kate's sister's husband) lent us his 'ute and in a fit of glee we bought a similar truck. Yes a 4 wheel drive monstrosity of the type that I absolutely loath. Incredibly (if you're from the UK) the salesman let us drive it away the same afternoon.

Thanks again to Malc and Annie for extending to us the kind of hand that is most definitely welcome and is never forgotten. We spend several afternoons at their lovely home, just recuperating and using the telecoms facilities.

A couple of days later and we rented a glamorous old lady of a place right by the beach; south New Brighton. This was to be our home for the next month or two. I managed to get the Internet setup after a week of phone calls and spent a week getting up at 4am catching up with work.

There followed several weeks of house hunting and sleeplessness as we watched the exchange rate got from bad to worse.

We watched some very, very, nice houses slide out of view as the exchange rate collapsed.

Then suddenly, we're making an offer on a really nice place and guess what.. it ours! yeah! It takes less than a day to make the offer and sign the contracts, UK agents/solicitors take note.



So what have we been up to...

Well lots.

We left Hawaii on the 17th November, there was a bit of a cock-up with the taxis so we ended up going to the airport in a limo. Obviously being grizzled US travellers we took all this in our stride; "yawn.. a limo, well I hope it's got a bar". NOT!

Long Flight, the hallowed crossing of the equator went unnoticed by everyone. Ash and I played Lego star wars (bought at the awesome Lego store in downtown Disney), this game was to become a father-son ritual for the next few months.

Our brief stop at Sydney was delayed by a power cut. This should have rung alarm bells, I mean ,how does an airport like Sydney have a power cut?

Arrived late into ChCh. Long wait for luggage... waiting... waiting... heart sinks. An hour later and 5 people are standing at the carousel now. 4 of us have "Jacob" as our last name and have known each other a long time..... A further 30 minutes pass. There are 2 very tired looking small Jacob's sitting on a, soon to be discarded, luggage trolley.

2 depressed adults and 2 knackered kids trudge, unburdened, thru arrivals and fragile smiles are bounced at anxious looking relatives.

A car is decidedly NOT loaded with luggage, it's a typically chilly ChCh evening, jumpers are borrowed.

The motel is arrived at, instructions half heard, doors quietly closed. A duty free Chivas is opened...
