Monday 28 January 2008


So what have we been up to...

Well lots.

We left Hawaii on the 17th November, there was a bit of a cock-up with the taxis so we ended up going to the airport in a limo. Obviously being grizzled US travellers we took all this in our stride; "yawn.. a limo, well I hope it's got a bar". NOT!

Long Flight, the hallowed crossing of the equator went unnoticed by everyone. Ash and I played Lego star wars (bought at the awesome Lego store in downtown Disney), this game was to become a father-son ritual for the next few months.

Our brief stop at Sydney was delayed by a power cut. This should have rung alarm bells, I mean ,how does an airport like Sydney have a power cut?

Arrived late into ChCh. Long wait for luggage... waiting... waiting... heart sinks. An hour later and 5 people are standing at the carousel now. 4 of us have "Jacob" as our last name and have known each other a long time..... A further 30 minutes pass. There are 2 very tired looking small Jacob's sitting on a, soon to be discarded, luggage trolley.

2 depressed adults and 2 knackered kids trudge, unburdened, thru arrivals and fragile smiles are bounced at anxious looking relatives.

A car is decidedly NOT loaded with luggage, it's a typically chilly ChCh evening, jumpers are borrowed.

The motel is arrived at, instructions half heard, doors quietly closed. A duty free Chivas is opened...


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